Topic: Film Reviews Gosford Park


3:45pm, Monday 24 March 2003

Gina and I were impressed at the number of household names in this film, and we enjoyed the lovely filming of the house, but...

It's a bit of a one-important-scene film. There's a lot of introduction of characters and presentation of background information, and then there's the murder, and then it's just a case of untangling the motives. Which, given the film is over two hours long, feels like a drag at times. We thought some of the characters should have been dropped, to make it shorter and less confusing... ("Who's he?" "He's Ivor Novello." "Oh, I thought he was the butler.")

Oh, and Stephen Fry looked like he was hamming it up at a fancy-dress party rather than solving a murder.

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Dave Holland <>
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