Topic: Computers bash

10:07am, Tuesday 9 May 2006

While reading LWN/ I discovered that bash can do tab-completion on a remote host:

scp foo.txt remotehost:somed<tab>
goes off and makes a batch-mode ssh connection to remotehost, finds the possible completions and returns them to the partial command line. That's just freaky.

Oh, and bind '"\t":menu-complete' gets cyclic-completion instead of partial-completion, which is strange at first but feels like it might be faster when I get used to it.

Topic: General Nice butt

10:44am, Sunday 7 May 2006

Dear Matthew and Sally,

I'm sorry it rained on your wedding day. It was all my fault. You see, I bought a new water butt yesterday and I thought to myself "I wonder how long it will take to fill this up?" Then it started raining...

PS. It's full now. And it's stopped raining.

Topic: General Potential madness

5:55pm, Tuesday 2 May 2006

Am I completely mad for considering spending £250,000 on a house with three pubs within spitting distance where the local authority licensing applications contain such gems as:

[a neighbour] reported that she had witnessed violent confrontations involving the Police outside her house and was frequently disturbed by screaming, shouting, swearing in the street and the windows in her house had been broken. She was also disturbed by the music from the pub on Friday evenings, which was clearly audible over the noise of her television set.
We were concerned to hear that the licensee had held at least one unlicensed event in the past year which had caused nuisance to nearby residents, which he admitted at the hearing was the case.

Tell me quick...

Topic: Computers And all because...

10:52pm, Tuesday 11 April 2006 (Updated 11:46pm, Tuesday 18 April 2006)

...I wanted pretty ping graphs like Russell's. So I had to sit down with the CLI manual for my ADSL router. Turns out the command syntax is sufficiently close to Linux iptables that I figured out

firewall rule create chain=sink index=4 prot=icmp icmptype=echo-request action=accept
firewall rule create chain=source index=4 prot=icmp icmptype=echo-reply action=accept
were the runes I required. Now I have pretty ping graphs too!


Argh, a new firmware version has changed the command syntax... This seems to work:

service system ifadd name=PING_RESPONDER group=wan
Topic: Computers Spam of the day

2:32pm, Wednesday 29 March 2006

Subject: uselessness onslaught

Just about sums it up, really...


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Dave Holland <>
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